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 Adadvertise FAQ


» Where does your traffic come from?
» Can my site contain background music, sound, or videos?
» Are there any restrictions to the type of websites I can advertise?
» How fast will the traffic be delivered?
» Will I be able to track my advertising campaign?
» Is my traffic actually targeted?
» What happens after I pay?
» Do you use bulk email or SPAM to generate traffic?
» Can you guarantee that I will make sales?
» Will my hit counter match up 100% with your Traffic Manager statistics?
» How does the Money Back Guarantee work?
» I have a question that is not answered here. What do I do?
Where does your traffic come from?
Pop-Unders are web pages that automatically load when another web page is displayed. They appear below the active page of the site the visitor is browsing through. The pop-unders are normally viewed when the user closes or minimizes the page they are on. You have probably seen pop-unders when visiting sites such as the Weather Channel, the Drudge Report, the New York Times, and more.

We have partnered with some of the largest advertising companies around the world in order to provide a network of websites that is viewed by nearly 60% of the United States Internet population. We are constantly adding additional sites to our network to expand our reach.

Our Guaranteed Traffic packages can bring millions of unique visitors to your web site. Our proprietary technology allows us to deliver between 10 thousand and 50 million targeted visitors directly to your site each month. Your pop-under advertisement works like a full-function 800 x 600 pixel browser window which creates maximum visual impact.

Unlike other traffic providers, our laser traffic system also derives from our own network of Exit Exchanges, Expired Domains, Exit Pop-unders, Redirects, Traffic Exchanges, etc. These websites collectively receive tens of millions of visitors per day, so you get maximum exposure by placing your site on our network.

Can my site contain background music, sound, or videos?
Yes! Music, sound, and/ or videos displayed on your site are fine. Our exclusive technology allows this type of creativity to be used on your websites when using our traffic system.
Are there any restrictions to the type of websites I can advertise?
Most important is that the submitted websites can NOT have the following:
-Other loading windows
-Automatic downloads
-Illegal Content (Warez, MP3's, etc.)
-Code which alters a users settings
-Code which breaks out of frames
-Code to redirect after the page loads

Purchase the correct traffic package for your website. Example 1: if you have a website with Casio and Online Gambling content be sure to purchase "Casino Traffic." If you only want your website to be viewed by people from the United States select "Targeted Traffic" "USA Only."

Example 2: If you have a casino site and purchase "Mainstream Traffic" you will receive the amount of "Casino" traffic that your purchase paid for.

How fast will the traffic be delivered?
Campaigns are set to deliver the purchased amount of traffic within 30 days. Our servers can deliver "hundreds-of-thousands" of hits to your site per day! The speed of delivery totally depends on the ability of your site and server to handle the load. In the event your server will not handle this level of traffic we will throttle the traffic back to accommodate your server's capability.

Examples of delivery times for campaigns:

A) 1-Million USA Only Targeted Visitors - Delivered within 30 days providing your website can handle 150,000+ visitors per day. If your site stalls or your server slows the delivery of our traffic your campaign will run slightly longer than 30 days. We recommend that you contact your web host provider to ensure your web hosting account can handle this amount of traffic, or simply ask us the throttle back your campaign.

B) 100,000 Bulk Mainstream Traffic - Delivered within 30 days. Campaigns of this site typically receive 3,500 to 10,000 visitors per day, resulting in completion times of 25 to 10 days. Again, the delivery times greatly depend on the ability of your website and server to handle the traffic.

Will I be able to track my advertising campaign?
When you purchase a traffic package you will be given a username and password to check the status of your campaign. Once your campaign is approved you will be able to see, in real time, the amount of visitors delivered to your site. Our traffic is tracked on our own servers so there is no false tracking. This means that only visitors that actually go to your site are actually counted. This is done due to the amount of new ad blocking services on the Internet today. If your ad is blocked, it is not counted, unlike other advertising agencies who have not updated their statistic tracking modules to take into consideration new pop-up blockers. All targeted traffic delivered to your site consists of totally unique visitors, meaning that each visitor is counted only once in a 24 hour period.
Is my traffic actually targeted?
Bulk Mainstream Traffic is delivered to a combination of Arts, Automotive, Business, Computers, Gambling, Games, General, Health, Home, Internet, Kids and Teens, Money and Finance, News, Recreation, Reference, Science, Shopping, Society and Sports.

Traffic from our Targeted Visitor Traffic is delivered to the specific category you choose.

Casino Traffic - if you have a gaming or casino site be sure to select Casino Traffic. You will only receive traffic from people interested in the casino or gaming industry.


What happens after I pay?
After your payment is processed you will be redirected back to our site to a page that contains a form for you to complete to finish submitting your order. The form provides a means to confirm your website URL and for you to provide an alternate email address.


IMPORTANT:  if you are not redirected back to our site to finish processing your order click the Contact Us link and enter a support ticket immediately.


Upon payment verification your site is sent to our review team for approval. You will receive an email acknowledging your order and the approval of your website. If there is a problem with your site you will be notified immediately. All campaigns are setup within 24 hours, if not immediately. Once your campaign is setup and your website is receiving traffic you will receive an email with the user name and password to login to our Traffic Manager to review the progress of your campaign.  You can access your Traffic Manager 24 hours a day and you have the ability to freeze and start your campaigns as desired.  Here is a screen shot of the Traffic Manager:

Do you use bulk email or SPAM to generate traffic?
Absolutely not. Our website traffic promotion campaigns direct visitors to your site via pop-under technology only. You will never be accused of SPAM utilizing our system.
Can you guarantee that I will make sales?
Although we have many satisfied & repeat customers, we still cannot guarantee that you will generate more sales. This is highly dependent on your site's sales copy, price point, demand for your product or service and overall web site presentation. Using our services also gives your site EXPOSURE and presence on the web. Results can always come at a later time, as a lot of visitors save (bookmark) the site information they visited in there favorites.
Will my hit counter match up 100% with your Traffic Manager statistics?
Most site's hit counters will match consistently with our Traffic Manager statistics. There are many reasons why visitors may not register with your server's website tracker, but register with ours.

Here are a few examples:

  • The user is working on a slow connection or network and your tracking software times out as a result.
  • At the time of request, your web page was down or unreachable.
  • The user's Internet provider or web browser saved a copy of your site from a previous visit and served the new request from cache memory instead of from your server.
  • Your web site tracker is not capable of handling numerous concurrent requests.
  • Your web site tracker is limited and will only handle a certain amount of visits per hour, day, etc (many free counters come with limitations).
How does the Money Back Guarantee work?
If you do not receive all of the traffic you purchased (as per the tracking system provided to you included with your order), you will receive a prorated refund of the undelivered traffic. Be sure of what you are purchasing before you buy. All advertising is considered sold once we have placed it into your account. We are not responsible for the effectiveness of any given ad link, campaign, or offer you may make. Nor are we responsible for the effectiveness of your web site, nor its ability to convert your traffic into members, subscribers, customers, or clients. We have a strict no-refund policy. Once we place this advertising into your account it will be considered fulfilled by us. You alone are the sole determining factor in the success of this or any advertising. Failure to pay for any advertising fulfilled by us may subject you to legal action.
I have a question that is not answered here. What do I do?
Please feel free to contact us 24 hours a day using the Contact Us link found at the top of the page. Communicating with you is very important to us and your message to us will be give the utmost priority.
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